Event Details

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Tele-Networking: In-Person Events are Canceled, Now What?

Registration Closed!

Tele-Networking: In-Person Events are Canceled, Now What?

When: March 18, 2021 2:00-3:00 PM ET

Duration: 1 hour

Certification: RPA-certified


Individual Registration: Free to SAA members; $69 for non-members

Group Registration: Free to SAA members; $89 for non-members

Jessica L. Clark is the Cultural Resources Director for Ohio Valley Archaeology, Inc., a CRM firm based in Columbus, Ohio. This is her fourth year working professionally in CRM. Considering this, she sits at the cusp of having fairly recently networked herself into a career, and is presently on the lookout for new colleagues, partners, and opportunities.
Nothing quite went as planned in 2020, including conferences and other in-person networking events that make up so much of how we interact with each other professionally. Networking is still a vital way to meet new people and discover new opportunities, so how do we do it? This seminar will explore ways that you can do this by taking advantage of your existing network, connecting widely (virtually), staying current on research and publications, attending conferences and other remote events, and by looking for other new ways to get involved.
  1. Develop ideas about how to maximize participants' already-existing professional networks
  2. Examine how online formats for events have benefits that can be used to our advantage
  3. Introduce digital resources available to make the best use of growing professional networks