Event Details

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Introduction to Publishing in Advances in Archaeological Practice

Registration Closed!

Introduction to Publishing in Advances in Archaeological Practice

When: January 19, 2017 3:00-4:00 PM ET

Duration: 1 hour

Certification: RPA-certified


Individual Registration: Free to SAA members; not available to non-members

Group Registration: 

Sarah Herr, Ph.D, RPA, together with Christina Rieth, Sjoerd van der Linde and Sara Perry, comprise the new editorial team for the journal, Advances in Archaeological Practice.  Since Herr was appointed by SAA in May 2015, she has been working with the other editors to develop and implement their vision for the journal.
In this hour long seminar, participants will be introduced to SAA’s newest journal, Advances in Archaeological Practice by one of its editors, Sarah Herr. After participants are familiarized with the journal, Herr will dive into how to publish an article in the journal by discussing article preparation and the mechanics of submitting an article. The seminar will also address legal and ethical publishing and what makes publishing in a digital journal different from publishing in traditional SAA publications. This seminar will be beneficial to individuals new to publishing or new to publishing in Advances.
  1. Identify whether Advances in Archaeological Practice is the journal that best fits their publishing needs;
  2. Prepare and upload a manuscript to the journal software; and
  3. Advance their knowledge of modern publishing ethics.