Update on the Draft Policies

Oct 18, 2019

The SAA Board and staff are committed to improving safety, and the crafting of clear, effective anti-harassment policies are an essential part of that process, along with the upcoming bylaw referendum. These policies are being written to be functional under both amendments featured in the referendum, and can be revised at any time according to members’ needs.

During the public comment period, the Board received over 70 responses to the draft policy of the Task Force on Sexual and Anti-Harassment Policies and Procedures. Common themes included:

  • Importance of focusing on 2020 meeting policies
  • Need for a detailed reporting timeframe
  • Request for communications on progress after reports are submitted
  • Clearer distinctions between “disclosure” and “reporting”
  • Clearer guidance on the ability to ​remove perpetrators prior to or during events, and the process by which that happens
  • Value of careful selection and training around the function of the described “safety officers”

The Board met with the co-chairs of the Task Force  on Friday, October 11, 2019, to discuss this feedback. Following extensive discussion, the Task Force has requested the opportunity to revise their draft policy, with a target date of October 21, 2019. Once these revisions are complete the Board will meet as soon as possible to review. Until the revisions are approved, the first draft will continue to be available to view on the SAA News page.