About the SAA Annual Meeting Ombuds

For the 2024 Annual Meeting, the SAA has chosen last year's ombuds to continue to serve as informal, independent, neutral, and confidential resources for meeting attendees. The ombuds can assist meeting attendees with determining options to address issues such as harassment, free speech, academic integrity, conflicts of interest, safety, diversity, or any other concern related to the SAA Annual Meeting. The ombuds will listen to understand issues from the perspective of individuals and provide support, coaching, strategies, options, and useful resources. All issues, including sexual harassment, can be discussed confidentially and independently of the Society. Appropriate administrative channels will be offered to individuals who desire to register formal complaints. 

In addition, the SAA ombuds may, with the permission of the individuals who come to them, make recommendations to the SAA President and Executive Director about specific actions that might enhance the safety and well-being of the individuals attending the Annual Meeting. The ombuds will be accessible during the Annual Meeting at the following times:

Wednesday, April 17: 5:00–10:00 p.m. U.S. Central Time

Thursday, April 18: 10:00 a.m.–10:00 p.m. U.S. Central Time

Friday, April 19: 8:00 a.m.–6:30 p.m. U.S. Central Time

Saturday, April 20: 8:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m. U.S. Central Time

Sunday, April 21: 8:00 a.m.–12:00 noon U.S. Central Time

In addition, ombuds can be available as arranged with Kathleen. The ombuds will be available by e-mail (saaombuds@gmail.com) and phone (949) 293-7515. She can be contacted up to 30 days after the close of the conference.

Please read our Ombuds FAQ. If you have a question that has not been answered, please don't hesitate to tell the ombuds at the gmail above so we can answer it for you.

Kathleen, International Ombudsman Association, certified mediator

Kathleen OmbudsKathleen Canul has over 20 years of experience serving as an ombuds in higher education. She provides conflict management and alternative dispute resolution services to several professional organizations and was the director of Ombuds Services at the University of California, Los Angeles. She is a certified mediator and member of the International Ombudsman Association. She also offers trainings on workplace conflict, communication, diversity, and inclusion. She earned an MS and PhD in clinical psychology from Washington State University and is a licensed psychologist, former psychology instructor, and member of the American Psychological Association. Ella habla inglés y español fluido.


  • May 01, 2024

    Submission System Opens

  • September 05, 2024

    Submission Deadline 3:00 p.m. EDT

  • November 15, 2024

    Deadline for Nonmember Annual Meeting Presenters to Join the SAA

  • January 30, 2025

    Membership Renewal Deadline for Current Member Participants

  • March 01, 2025

    Advance Registration Closes